Tag Archive: equipment

  1. Understanding your Sand Filter – Part 1

    R&R News

    Does your pool equipment make you feel over-whelmed, and anxiety ridden?  Your pool filter is an important part of your pool circulation system and if it is not working properly you can end up with a pool that is inviting an algae bloom.  If you don’t understand the parts and settings on your pool filter […]

  2. Understanding your Maintenance Equipment

    R&R News

    Pool maintenance is a breeze with the proper tools at your disposal.  Maintenance equipment, while not complex, is some of the most important parts of your pool care routine and maintenance. Each piece of equipment should be rinsed off after use and allowed to dry.  Periodically inspecting them for damage and replacing them when needed. […]

  3. Why choose a heat pump?

    Money Saver, Products, R&R News

    There are many ways to heat your pools these days, so why should you consider investing in a heat pump instead of choosing another method?  A heat pump is a cost-effective and energy efficient way to heat your swimming pool and allows the pool to remain open later in the season. While the initial investment […]