Childhood Memories


It doesn’t take much for me to think back to my childhood. I can’t remember life without a swimming pool. Water has always been such a basic, yet essential, part of my life.

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My fondest summertime memories, forever etched in my mind, are of countless hours of swimming and poolside playing. The refreshing splash from a dive in the water. The games and laughter. The lazy drifting on an air mattress. Summers at our house were an endless turnover of family and friends and barbecues. We never had reason to leave, except to walk down to the convenience store in our bathing suits for an ice cream. Those days have gone, and what I would give to go back for one more summer from my childhood!

Life with a swimming pool is a lifestyle that enhances a family’s togetherness. I credit my childhood memories to my parents for investing in our permanent family vacation in our own backyard. Independence, responsibility, and the importance of family and friends are all life lessons I received during those endless summers. Our swimming pool kept us close, active and out of trouble.

Many of us long to retreat to our own oasis after a tiring day of work and errands. The summertime reinforces that longing. We can help you and your family realize the dream. For thirty years, our family has been helping families create permanent family vacations in their own backyard. We are good at it because we fully understand what it is like to have that freedom. There is no time like the present to make the decision to enhance your family’s lives. And we are here to help you do it.

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