Vacuum Consultation Service

Tired of spending your weekends taking care of the pool? Looking for a way to relax over the weekend? Are you waiting for a day that you can just enjoy the pool instead of working on it? Have you considered a robotic pool vacuum but don’t know where to start?

The internet can be a great tool but can also add to your confusion. Consider booking an in-store appointment for a consultation.

Our team will meet with you to explain the various features and capabilities of the robots we carry. We will examine the best model based on your pool’s shape and size, as well as your family’s needs. We will also discuss the warranties and rebates offered by the manufacturers. At the end of the meeting, we will provide you with our recommendation of the perfect cleaner for your home.

If you are still unsure if a robotic pool cleaner would suit your pool and family, we will be happy to add you to the wait list for the Try B4 U Buy program, which will allow you to borrow a unit for up to 72 hours with no obligation to purchase.

Book a robot consultation

Please let us know if you have an comments, concerns or questions.